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Package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.lir2mir

Provides classes that implement the transition from low-level IR to machine-specific IR.

See: Description

Package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.lir2mir Description

Provides classes that implement the transition from low-level IR to machine-specific IR.

After the transition to machine-specific IR, almost all remaining operators can be directly mapped to machine instructions. The actual transition is done by ConvertLIRtoMIR which calls all the other classes. Some of these classes are necessarily architecture-specific which is why they can be found in the architecture-specific lir2mir packages.

A large part of the work of mapping of LIR instruction sequences to MIR instruction sequences is done by the BURS classes. We're using a custom fork of iburg that we call jburg. (NOTE: our jburg is not to be confused with JBurg). You can find it in our source tree. It is advised to take a look at it if you want to understand the BURS code. You should also get familiar with the generation of BURS classes in the build process.

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