002 *  This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org).
003 *
004 *  This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
005 *  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
006 *  may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 *      http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
009 *
010 *  See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
011 *  regarding copyright ownership.
012 */
013package org.mmtk.vm;
015import org.mmtk.policy.ImmortalSpace;
017import org.vmmagic.unboxed.*;
018import org.vmmagic.pragma.*;
020@Uninterruptible public abstract class Memory {
022  /**
023   * Allows for the VM to reserve space between HEAP_START()
024   * and AVAILABLE_START() for its own purposes.  MMTk should
025   * expect to encounter objects in this range, but may not
026   * allocate in this range.
027   *
028   * MMTk expects the virtual address space between AVAILABLE_START()
029   * and AVAILABLE_END() to be contiguous and unmapped.
030   * Allows for the VM to reserve space between HEAP_END()
031   * and AVAILABLE_END() for its own purposes.  MMTk should
032   * expect to encounter objects in this range, but may not
033   * allocate in this range.
034   *
035   * MMTk expects the virtual address space between AVAILABLE_START()
036   * and AVAILABLE_END() to be contiguous and unmapped.
037   *
038   * @return The high bound of the memory that MMTk can allocate.
039   */
041  /**
042   * Return the space associated with/reserved for the VM.  In the
043   * case of Jikes RVM this is the boot image space.<p>
044   *
045   * @return The space managed by the virtual machine.
046   */
047  @Interruptible
048  public abstract ImmortalSpace getVMSpace();
050  /** Global preparation for a collection. */
051  public abstract void globalPrepareVMSpace();
053  /** Per-collector preparation for a collection. */
054  public abstract void collectorPrepareVMSpace();
056  /** Per-collector post-collection work. */
057  public abstract void collectorReleaseVMSpace();
059  /** Global post-collection work. */
060  public abstract void globalReleaseVMSpace();
062  /**
063   * Sets the range of addresses associated with a heap.
064   *
065   * @param id the heap identifier
066   * @param start the address of the start of the heap
067   * @param end the address of the end of the heap
068   */
069  public abstract void setHeapRange(int id, Address start, Address end);
071  /**
072   * Demand zero mmaps an area of virtual memory.
073   *
074   * @param start the address of the start of the area to be mapped
075   * @param size the size, in bytes, of the area to be mapped
076   * @return 0 if successful, otherwise the system errno
077   */
078  public abstract int dzmmap(Address start, int size);
080  /**
081   * Protects access to an area of virtual memory.
082   *
083   * @param start the address of the start of the area to be mapped
084   * @param size the size, in bytes, of the area to be mapped
085   * @return <code>true</code> if successful, otherwise
086   * <code>false</code>
087   */
088  public abstract boolean mprotect(Address start, int size);
090  /**
091   * Allows access to an area of virtual memory.
092   *
093   * @param start the address of the start of the area to be mapped
094   * @param size the size, in bytes, of the area to be mapped
095   * @return <code>true</code> if successful, otherwise
096   * <code>false</code>
097   */
098  public abstract boolean munprotect(Address start, int size);
101  /**
102   * Zero a region of memory.
103   *
104   * @param useNT Use non temporal instructions (if available)
105   * @param start Start of address range (inclusive)
106   * @param len Length in bytes of range to zero
107   */
108  public abstract void zero(boolean useNT, Address start, Extent len);
110  /**
111   * Logs the contents of an address and the surrounding memory to the
112   * error output.
113   *
114   * @param start the address of the memory to be dumped
115   * @param beforeBytes the number of bytes before the address to be
116   * included
117   * @param afterBytes the number of bytes after the address to be
118   * included
119   */
120  public abstract void dumpMemory(Address start, int beforeBytes,
121      int afterBytes);
123  /**
124   * Wait for preceeding cache flush/invalidate instructions to complete
125   * on all processors.  Ensures that all memory writes before this
126   * point are visible to all processors.
127   */
128  @Inline
129  public abstract void sync();
131  /**
132   * Wait for all preceeding instructions to complete and discard any
133   * prefetched instructions on this processor.  Also prevents the
134   * compiler from performing code motion across this point.
135   */
136  @Inline
137  public abstract void isync();
139  /*
140   * NOTE: The following methods must be implemented by subclasses of this
141   * class, but are internal to the VM<->MM interface glue, so are never
142   * called by MMTk users.
143   */
144  /** @return The lowest address in the virtual address space known to MMTk */
145  protected abstract Address getHeapStartConstant();
146  /** @return The highest address in the virtual address space known to MMTk */
147  protected abstract Address getHeapEndConstant();
148  /** @return The lowest address in the contiguous address space available to MMTk  */
149  protected abstract Address getAvailableStartConstant();
150  /** @return The highest address in the contiguous address space available to MMTk */
151  protected abstract Address getAvailableEndConstant();
152  /** @return The log base two of the size of an address */
153  protected abstract byte getLogBytesInAddressConstant();
154  /** @return The log base two of the size of a word */
155  protected abstract byte getLogBytesInWordConstant();
156  /** @return The log base two of the size of an OS page */
157  protected abstract byte getLogBytesInPageConstant();
158  /** @return The log base two of the minimum allocation alignment */
159  protected abstract byte getLogMinAlignmentConstant();
160  /** @return The log base two of (MAX_ALIGNMENT/MIN_ALIGNMENT) */
161  protected abstract byte getMaxAlignmentShiftConstant();
162  /** @return The maximum number of bytes of padding to prepend to an object */
163  protected abstract int getMaxBytesPaddingConstant();
164  /** @return The value to store in alignment holes */
165  protected abstract int getAlignmentValueConstant();
167  /*
168   * NOTE: These methods should not be called by anything other than the
169   * reflective mechanisms in org.mmtk.vm.VM, and are not implemented by
170   * subclasses. This hack exists only to allow us to declare the respective
171   * methods as protected.
172   */
173  static Address heapStartTrapdoor(Memory m) {
174    return m.getHeapStartConstant();
175  }
176  static Address heapEndTrapdoor(Memory m) {
177    return m.getHeapEndConstant();
178  }
179  static Address availableStartTrapdoor(Memory m) {
180    return m.getAvailableStartConstant();
181  }
182  static Address availableEndTrapdoor(Memory m) {
183    return m.getAvailableEndConstant();
184  }
185  static byte logBytesInAddressTrapdoor(Memory m) {
186    return m.getLogBytesInAddressConstant();
187  }
188  static byte logBytesInWordTrapdoor(Memory m) {
189    return m.getLogBytesInWordConstant();
190  }
191  static byte logBytesInPageTrapdoor(Memory m) {
192    return m.getLogBytesInPageConstant();
193  }
194  static byte logMinAlignmentTrapdoor(Memory m) {
195    return m.getLogMinAlignmentConstant();
196  }
197  static byte maxAlignmentShiftTrapdoor(Memory m) {
198    return m.getMaxAlignmentShiftConstant();
199  }
200  static int maxBytesPaddingTrapdoor(Memory m) {
201    return m.getMaxBytesPaddingConstant();
202  }
203  static int alignmentValueTrapdoor(Memory m) {
204    return m.getAlignmentValueConstant();
205  }