002 *  This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org).
003 *
004 *  This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
005 *  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
006 *  may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 *      http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
009 *
010 *  See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
011 *  regarding copyright ownership.
012 */
013package org.mmtk.utility.heap;
015import static org.mmtk.utility.Constants.*;
017import org.mmtk.plan.Plan;
018import org.mmtk.policy.Space;
020import static org.mmtk.policy.Space.PAGES_IN_CHUNK;
021import org.mmtk.utility.alloc.EmbeddedMetaData;
022import org.mmtk.utility.Conversions;
023import org.mmtk.utility.GenericFreeList;
024import org.mmtk.vm.VM;
026import org.vmmagic.unboxed.*;
027import org.vmmagic.pragma.*;
030 * This class manages the allocation of pages for a space.  When a
031 * page is requested by the space both a page budget and the use of
032 * virtual address space are checked.  If the request for space can't
033 * be satisfied (for either reason) a GC may be triggered.
034 */
036public final class FreeListPageResource extends PageResource {
038  private final GenericFreeList freeList;
039  private int highWaterMark = 0;
040  private final int metaDataPagesPerRegion;
041  private int pagesCurrentlyOnFreeList = 0;
043  /**
044   * Constructor
045   *
046   * Contiguous free list resource. The address range is pre-defined at
047   * initialization time and is immutable.
048   *
049   * @param space The space to which this resource is attached
050   * @param start The start of the address range allocated to this resource
051   * @param bytes The size of the address rage allocated to this resource
052   */
053  public FreeListPageResource(Space space, Address start, Extent bytes) {
054    super(space, start);
055    int pages = Conversions.bytesToPages(bytes);
056    freeList = new GenericFreeList(pages);
057    pagesCurrentlyOnFreeList = pages;
058    this.metaDataPagesPerRegion = 0;
059  }
061  /**
062   * Constructor
063   *
064   * Contiguous free list resource. The address range is pre-defined at
065   * initialization time and is immutable.
066   *
067   * @param space The space to which this resource is attached
068   * @param start The start of the address range allocated to this resource
069   * @param bytes The size of the address rage allocated to this resource
070   * @param metaDataPagesPerRegion The number of pages of meta data
071   * that are embedded in each region.
072   */
073  public FreeListPageResource(Space space, Address start, Extent bytes, int metaDataPagesPerRegion) {
074    super(space, start);
075    this.metaDataPagesPerRegion = metaDataPagesPerRegion;
076    int pages = Conversions.bytesToPages(bytes);
077    freeList = new GenericFreeList(pages, EmbeddedMetaData.PAGES_IN_REGION);
078    pagesCurrentlyOnFreeList = pages;
079    reserveMetaData(space.getExtent());
080  }
082  /**
083   * Constructor
084   *
085   * Discontiguous monotone resource. The address range is <i>not</i>
086   * pre-defined at initialization time and is dynamically defined to
087   * be some set of pages, according to demand and availability.
088   *
089   * @param space The space to which this resource is attached
090   * @param metaDataPagesPerRegion the number of meta data pages per region
091   */
092  public FreeListPageResource(Space space, int metaDataPagesPerRegion) {
093    super(space);
094    this.metaDataPagesPerRegion = metaDataPagesPerRegion;
095    this.start = Space.AVAILABLE_START;
096    freeList = new GenericFreeList(Map.globalPageMap, Map.getDiscontigFreeListPROrdinal(this));
097    pagesCurrentlyOnFreeList = 0;
098  }
100  /**
101   * Return the number of available physical pages for this resource.
102   * This includes all pages currently free on the resource's free list.
103   * If the resource is using discontiguous space it also includes
104   * currently unassigned discontiguous space.<p>
105   *
106   * Note: This just considers physical pages (ie virtual memory pages
107   * allocated for use by this resource). This calculation is orthogonal
108   * to and does not consider any restrictions on the number of pages
109   * this resource may actually use at any time (ie the number of
110   * committed and reserved pages).<p>
111   *
112   * Note: The calculation is made on the assumption that all space that
113   * could be assigned to this resource would be assigned to this resource
114   * (ie the unused discontiguous space could just as likely be assigned
115   * to another competing resource).
116   *
117   * @return The number of available physical pages for this resource.
118   */
119  @Override
120  public int getAvailablePhysicalPages() {
121    int rtn = pagesCurrentlyOnFreeList;
122    if (!contiguous) {
123      int chunks = Map.getAvailableDiscontiguousChunks() - Map.getChunkConsumerCount();
124      if (chunks < 0) chunks = 0;
125      rtn += chunks * (Space.PAGES_IN_CHUNK - metaDataPagesPerRegion);
126    }
127    return rtn;
128  }
130  /**
131   * Allocate <code>pages</code> pages from this resource.<p>
132   *
133   * If the request can be satisfied, then ensure the pages are
134   * mmpapped and zeroed before returning the address of the start of
135   * the region.  If the request cannot be satisfied, return zero.
136   *
137   * @param reservedPages The number of pages reserved due to the initial request.
138   * @param requiredPages The number of pages required to be allocated.
139   * @param zeroed If true allocated pages are zeroed.
140   * @return The start of the first page if successful, zero on
141   * failure.
142   */
143  @Override
144  @Inline
145  protected Address allocPages(int reservedPages, int requiredPages, boolean zeroed) {
146    if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(metaDataPagesPerRegion == 0 || requiredPages <= PAGES_IN_CHUNK - metaDataPagesPerRegion);
147    lock();
148    boolean newChunk = false;
149    int pageOffset = freeList.alloc(requiredPages);
150    if (pageOffset == GenericFreeList.FAILURE && !contiguous) {
151      pageOffset = allocateContiguousChunks(requiredPages);
152      newChunk = true;
153    }
154    if (pageOffset == GenericFreeList.FAILURE) {
155      unlock();
156      return Address.zero();
157    } else {
158      pagesCurrentlyOnFreeList -= requiredPages;
159      if (pageOffset > highWaterMark) {
160        if (highWaterMark == 0 || (pageOffset ^ highWaterMark) > EmbeddedMetaData.PAGES_IN_REGION) {
161          int regions = 1 + ((pageOffset - highWaterMark) >> EmbeddedMetaData.LOG_PAGES_IN_REGION);
162          int metapages = regions * metaDataPagesPerRegion;
163          reserved += metapages;
164          committed += metapages;
165          newChunk = true;
166        }
167        highWaterMark = pageOffset;
168      }
169      Address rtn = start.plus(Conversions.pagesToBytes(pageOffset));
170      Extent bytes = Conversions.pagesToBytes(requiredPages);
171      // The meta-data portion of reserved Pages was committed above.
172      commitPages(reservedPages, requiredPages);
173      space.growSpace(rtn, bytes, newChunk);
174      unlock();
175      Mmapper.ensureMapped(rtn, requiredPages);
176      if (zeroed)
177        VM.memory.zero(zeroNT, rtn, bytes);
178      VM.events.tracePageAcquired(space, rtn, requiredPages);
179      return rtn;
180    }
181  }
183  /**
184   * Release a group of pages, associated with this page resource,
185   * that were allocated together, optionally zeroing on release and
186   * optionally memory protecting on release.
187   *
188   * @param first The first page in the group of pages that were
189   * allocated together.
190   */
191  @Inline
192  public void releasePages(Address first) {
194      VM.assertions._assert(Conversions.isPageAligned(first));
196    int pageOffset = Conversions.bytesToPages(first.diff(start));
198    int pages = freeList.size(pageOffset);
199    if (VM.config.ZERO_PAGES_ON_RELEASE)
200      VM.memory.zero(false, first, Conversions.pagesToBytes(pages));
201    /* Can't use protect here because of the chunk sizes involved!
202    if (protectOnRelease.getValue())
203      LazyMmapper.protect(first, pages);
204     */
205    if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(pages <= committed);
207    lock();
208    reserved -= pages;
209    committed -= pages;
210    int freed = freeList.free(pageOffset, true);
211    pagesCurrentlyOnFreeList += pages;
213    if (!contiguous) // only discontiguous spaces use chunks
214      releaseFreeChunks(first, freed);
216    unlock();
218    VM.events.tracePageReleased(space, first, pages);
219  }
221  /**
222   * The release of a page may have freed up an entire chunk or
223   * set of chunks.  We need to check whether any chunks can be
224   * freed, and if so, free them.
225   *
226   * @param freedPage The address of the page that was just freed.
227   * @param pagesFreed The number of pages made available when the page was freed.
228   */
229  private void releaseFreeChunks(Address freedPage, int pagesFreed) {
230    int pageOffset = Conversions.bytesToPages(freedPage.diff(start));
232    if (metaDataPagesPerRegion > 0) {       // can only be a single chunk
233      if (pagesFreed == (PAGES_IN_CHUNK - metaDataPagesPerRegion)) {
234        freeContiguousChunk(Space.chunkAlign(freedPage, true));
235      }
236    } else {                                // may be multiple chunks
237      if (pagesFreed % PAGES_IN_CHUNK == 0) {    // necessary, but not sufficient condition
238        /* grow a region of chunks, starting with the chunk containing the freed page */
239        int regionStart = pageOffset & ~(PAGES_IN_CHUNK - 1);
240        int nextRegionStart = regionStart + PAGES_IN_CHUNK;
241        /* now try to grow (end point pages are marked as non-coalescing) */
242        while (regionStart >= 0 && freeList.isCoalescable(regionStart))
243          regionStart -= PAGES_IN_CHUNK;
244        while (nextRegionStart < GenericFreeList.MAX_UNITS && freeList.isCoalescable(nextRegionStart))
245          nextRegionStart += PAGES_IN_CHUNK;
246         if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(regionStart >= 0 && nextRegionStart < GenericFreeList.MAX_UNITS);
247        if (pagesFreed == nextRegionStart - regionStart) {
248          freeContiguousChunk(start.plus(Conversions.pagesToBytes(regionStart)));
249        }
250      }
251    }
252  }
254  /**
255   * Allocate sufficient contiguous chunks within a discontiguous region to
256   * satisfy the pending request.  Note that this is purely about address space
257   * allocation within a discontiguous region.  This method does not reserve
258   * individual pages, it merely assigns a suitably large region of virtual
259   * memory from within the discontiguous region for use by a particular space.
260   *
261   * @param pages The number of pages currently being requested
262   * @return A chunk number or GenericFreelist.FAILURE
263   */
264  private int allocateContiguousChunks(int pages) {
265    if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(metaDataPagesPerRegion == 0 || pages <= PAGES_IN_CHUNK - metaDataPagesPerRegion);
266    int rtn = GenericFreeList.FAILURE;
267    int requiredChunks = Space.requiredChunks(pages);
268    Address region = space.growDiscontiguousSpace(requiredChunks);
269    if (!region.isZero()) {
270      int regionStart = Conversions.bytesToPages(region.diff(start));
271      int regionEnd = regionStart + (requiredChunks * Space.PAGES_IN_CHUNK) - 1;
272      freeList.setUncoalescable(regionStart);
273      freeList.setUncoalescable(regionEnd + 1);
274      for (int p = regionStart; p < regionEnd; p += Space.PAGES_IN_CHUNK) {
275        int liberated;
276        if (p != regionStart)
277          freeList.clearUncoalescable(p);
278        liberated = freeList.free(p, true); // add chunk to our free list
279        if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(liberated == Space.PAGES_IN_CHUNK + (p - regionStart));
280        if (metaDataPagesPerRegion > 1)
281          freeList.alloc(metaDataPagesPerRegion, p); // carve out space for metadata
282        pagesCurrentlyOnFreeList += Space.PAGES_IN_CHUNK - metaDataPagesPerRegion;
283      }
284      rtn = freeList.alloc(pages); // re-do the request which triggered this call
285    }
286    return rtn;
287  }
289  /**
290   * Release a single chunk from a discontiguous region.  All this does is
291   * release a chunk from the virtual address space associated with this
292   * discontiguous space.
293   *
294   * @param chunk The chunk to be freed
295   */
296  private void freeContiguousChunk(Address chunk) {
297    int numChunks = Map.getContiguousRegionChunks(chunk);
298    if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(numChunks == 1 || metaDataPagesPerRegion == 0);
300    /* nail down all pages associated with the chunk, so it is no longer on our free list */
301    int chunkStart = Conversions.bytesToPages(chunk.diff(start));
302    int chunkEnd = chunkStart + (numChunks * Space.PAGES_IN_CHUNK);
303    while (chunkStart < chunkEnd) {
304      freeList.setUncoalescable(chunkStart);
305      if (metaDataPagesPerRegion > 0)
306        freeList.free(chunkStart);  // first free any metadata pages
307      int tmp = freeList.alloc(Space.PAGES_IN_CHUNK, chunkStart); // then alloc the entire chunk
308      if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(tmp == chunkStart);
309      chunkStart += Space.PAGES_IN_CHUNK;
310      pagesCurrentlyOnFreeList -= (Space.PAGES_IN_CHUNK - metaDataPagesPerRegion);
311    }
312    /* now return the address space associated with the chunk for global reuse */
313    space.releaseDiscontiguousChunks(chunk);
314  }
316  /**
317   * Reserve virtual address space for meta-data.
318   *
319   * @param extent The size of this space
320   */
321  private void reserveMetaData(Extent extent) {
322    highWaterMark = 0;
323    if (metaDataPagesPerRegion > 0) {
324      if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(start.toWord().rshl(EmbeddedMetaData.LOG_BYTES_IN_REGION).lsh(EmbeddedMetaData.LOG_BYTES_IN_REGION).toAddress().EQ(start));
325      Extent size = extent.toWord().rshl(EmbeddedMetaData.LOG_BYTES_IN_REGION).lsh(EmbeddedMetaData.LOG_BYTES_IN_REGION).toExtent();
326      Address cursor = start.plus(size);
327      while (cursor.GT(start)) {
328        cursor = cursor.minus(EmbeddedMetaData.BYTES_IN_REGION);
329        int unit = cursor.diff(start).toWord().rshl(LOG_BYTES_IN_PAGE).toInt();
330        int tmp = freeList.alloc(metaDataPagesPerRegion, unit);
331        pagesCurrentlyOnFreeList -= metaDataPagesPerRegion;
332        if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(tmp == unit);
333      }
334    }
335  }
337  /**
338   * {@inheritDoc}<p>
339   * In the case of a free-list allocator, meta-data is pre-allocated, so
340   * simply return the un-adjusted request size.
341   *
342   * @param pages The size of the pending allocation in pages
343   * @return The (unadjusted) request size, since metadata is pre-allocated
344   */
345  @Override
346  public int adjustForMetaData(int pages) {
347    return pages;
348  }
350  public Address getHighWater() {
351    return start.plus(Extent.fromIntSignExtend(highWaterMark << LOG_BYTES_IN_PAGE));
352  }
354  /**
355   * Return the size of the super page
356   *
357   * @param first the Address of the first word in the superpage
358   * @return the size in bytes
359   */
360  @Inline
361  public Extent getSize(Address first) {
363      VM.assertions._assert(Conversions.isPageAligned(first));
365    int pageOffset = Conversions.bytesToPages(first.diff(start));
366    int pages = freeList.size(pageOffset);
367    return Conversions.pagesToBytes(pages);
368  }
370  /**
371   * Resize the free list associated with this resource and nail down
372   * its start address. This method is called to re-set the free list
373   * once the global free list (which it shares) is finalized and the
374   * base address is finalized.  There's a circular dependency, so we
375   * need an explicit call-back to reset the free list size and start
376   *
377   * @param startAddress The final start address for the discontiguous space.
378   */
379  @Interruptible
380  public void resizeFreeList(Address startAddress) {
381    if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(!contiguous && !Plan.isInitialized());
382    start = startAddress;
383    freeList.resizeFreeList();
384  }