002 *  This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org).
003 *
004 *  This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
005 *  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
006 *  may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 *      http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
009 *
010 *  See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
011 *  regarding copyright ownership.
012 */
013package org.mmtk.utility;
015import org.mmtk.vm.VM;
017import org.vmmagic.pragma.*;
020 * This is a very simple, generic malloc-free allocator.  It works
021 * abstractly, in "units", which the user may associate with some
022 * other allocatable resource (e.g. heap blocks).  The user issues
023 * requests for N units and the allocator returns the index of the
024 * first of a contiguous set of N units or fails, returning -1.  The
025 * user frees the block of N units by calling <code>free()</code> with
026 * the index of the first unit as the argument.<p>
027 *
028 * Properties/Constraints:<ul>
029 *   <li> The allocator consumes one word per allocatable unit (plus
030 *   a fixed overhead of about 128 words).</li>
031 *   <li> The allocator can only deal with MAX_UNITS units (see below for
032 *   the value).</li>
033 * </ul>
034 *
035 * The basic data structure used by the algorithm is a large table,
036 * with one word per allocatable unit.  Each word is used in a
037 * number of different ways, some combination of "undefined" (32),
038 * "free/used" (1), "multi/single" (1), "prev" (15), "next" (15) &amp;
039 * "size" (15) where field sizes in bits are in parenthesis.
040 * <pre>
041 *                       +-+-+-----------+-----------+
042 *                       |f|m|    prev   | next/size |
043 *                       +-+-+-----------+-----------+
044 *
045 *   - single free unit: "free", "single", "prev", "next"
046 *   - single used unit: "used", "single"
047 *    - contiguous free units
048 *     . first unit: "free", "multi", "prev", "next"
049 *     . second unit: "free", "multi", "size"
050 *     . last unit: "free", "multi", "size"
051 *    - contiguous used units
052 *     . first unit: "used", "multi", "prev", "next"
053 *     . second unit: "used", "multi", "size"
054 *     . last unit: "used", "multi", "size"
055 *    - any other unit: undefined
056 *
057 *                       +-+-+-----------+-----------+
058 *   top sentinel        |0|0|    tail   |   head    |  [-1]
059 *                       +-+-+-----------+-----------+
060 *                                     ....
061 *            /--------  +-+-+-----------+-----------+
062 *            |          |1|1|   prev    |   next    |  [j]
063 *            |          +-+-+-----------+-----------+
064 *            |          |1|1|           |   size    |  [j+1]
065 *         free multi    +-+-+-----------+-----------+
066 *         unit block    |              ...          |  ...
067 *            |          +-+-+-----------+-----------+
068 *            |          |1|1|           |   size    |
069 *           &gt;--------  +-+-+-----------+-----------+
070 *   single free unit    |1|0|   prev    |   next    |
071 *           &gt;--------  +-+-+-----------+-----------+
072 *   single used unit    |0|0|                       |
073 *           &gt;--------  +-+-+-----------------------+
074 *            |          |0|1|                       |
075 *            |          +-+-+-----------+-----------+
076 *            |          |0|1|           |   size    |
077 *         used multi    +-+-+-----------+-----------+
078 *         unit block    |              ...          |
079 *            |          +-+-+-----------+-----------+
080 *            |          |0|1|           |   size    |
081 *            \--------  +-+-+-----------+-----------+
082 *                                     ....
083 *                       +-+-+-----------------------+
084 *   bottom sentinel     |0|0|                       |  [N]
085 *                       +-+-+-----------------------+
086 * </pre>
087 * The sentinels serve as guards against out of range coalescing
088 * because they both appear as "used" blocks and so will never
089 * coalesce.  The top sentinel also serves as the head and tail of
090 * the doubly linked list of free blocks.
091 */
092@Uninterruptible abstract class BaseGenericFreeList {
094  /****************************************************************************
095   *
096   * Public instance methods
097   */
099  /**
100   * Allocate <code>size</code> units. Return the unit ID
101   *
102   * @param size  The number of units to be allocated
103   * @return The index of the first of the <code>size</code>
104   * contiguous units, or -1 if the request can't be satisfied
105   */
106  public final int alloc(int size) {
107    // Note: -1 is both the default return value *and* the start sentinel index
108    int unit = head; // HEAD = -1
109    int s = 0;
110    while (((unit = getNext(unit)) != head) && ((s = getSize(unit)) < size));
112    return (unit == head) ? FAILURE : alloc(size, unit, s);
113  }
115  /**
116   * Would an allocation of <code>size</code> units succeed?
117   *
118   * @param size The number of units to test for
119   * @return True if such a request could be satisfied.
120   */
121  public final boolean couldAlloc(int size) {
122    // Note: -1 is both the default return value *and* the start sentinel index
123    int unit = head; // HEAD = -1
124    while (((unit = getNext(unit)) != head) && (getSize(unit) < size));
126    return (unit != head);
127  }
129  /**
130   * Allocate <code>size</code> units. Return the unit ID
131   *
132   * @param size  The number of units to be allocated
133   * @param unit TODO needs documentation
134   * @return The index of the first of the <code>size</code>
135   * contiguous units, or -1 if the request can't be satisfied
136   */
137  public final int alloc(int size, int unit) {
138    int s = 0;
140    if (getFree(unit) && (s = getSize(unit)) >= size)
141      return alloc(size, unit, s);
142    else
143      return FAILURE;
144  }
146  /**
147   * Allocate <code>size</code> units. Return the unit ID
148   *
149   * @param size  The number of units to be allocated
150   * @param unit TODO needs documentation
151   * @param unitSize TODO needs documentation
152   * @return The index of the first of the <code>size</code>
153   * contiguous units, or -1 if the request can't be satisfied
154   */
155  private int alloc(int size, int unit, int unitSize) {
156    if (unitSize >= size) {
157      if (unitSize > size)
158        split(unit, size);
159      removeFromFree(unit);
160      setFree(unit, false);
161    }
163    if (DEBUG) dbgPrintFree();
165    return unit;
166  }
168  /**
169   * Free a previously allocated contiguous lump of units.
170   *
171   * @param unit The index of the first unit.
172   * @return return the size of the unit which was freed.
173   */
174  public final int free(int unit) {
175    return free(unit, false);
176  }
178  /**
179   * Free a previously allocated contiguous lump of units.
180   *
181   * @param unit The index of the first unit.
182   * @param returnCoalescedSize if true, return the coalesced size
183   * @return The number of units freed. if returnCoalescedSize is
184   *  false, return the size of the unit which was freed.  Otherwise
185   *   return the size of the unit now available (the coalesced size)
186   */
187  public final int free(int unit, boolean returnCoalescedSize) {
188    int freed = getSize(unit);
189    int left = getLeft(unit);
190    int start = isCoalescable(unit) && getFree(left) ? left : unit;
191    int right = getRight(unit);
192    int end = isCoalescable(right) && getFree(right) ? right : unit;
193    if (start != end)
194      coalesce(start, end);
196    if (returnCoalescedSize)
197      freed = getSize(start);
198    addToFree(start);
200    if (DEBUG) dbgPrintFree();
201    return freed;
202  }
204  /**
205   * Return the size of the specified lump of units
206   *
207   * @param unit The index of the first unit in the lump.
208   * @return The size of the lump, in units.
209   */
210  public final int size(int unit) {
211    return getSize(unit);
212  }
214  /****************************************************************************
215   *
216   * Private fields and methods
217   */
219  /**
220   * Initialize a new heap.  Fabricate a free list entry containing
221   * everything
222   *
223   * @param units The number of units in the heap
224   */
225  protected final void initializeHeap(int units) {
226    initializeHeap(units, units);
227  }
229  /**
230   * Initialize a new heap.  Fabricate a free list entry containing
231   * everything
232   *
233   * @param units The number of units in the heap
234   * @param grain TODO needs documentation
235   */
236  protected final void initializeHeap(int units, int grain) {
237    // Initialize the sentinels
238    for (int i = 1; i <= heads; i++)
239      setSentinel(-i);
240    setSentinel(units);
242    // create the free list item
243    int offset = units % grain;
244    int cursor = units - offset;
245    if (offset > 0) {
246      setSize(cursor, offset);
247      addToFree(cursor);
248    }
249    cursor -= grain;
250    while (cursor >= 0) {
251      setSize(cursor, grain);
252      addToFree(cursor);
253      cursor -= grain;
254    }
255    if (DEBUG) dbgPrintFree();
256  }
258  /**
259   * Reduce a lump of units to size, freeing any excess.
260   *
261   * @param unit The index of the first unit
262   * @param size The size of the first part
263   */
264  private void split(int unit, int size) {
265    int basesize = getSize(unit);
266    if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(basesize > size);
267    setSize(unit, size);
268    setSize(unit + size, basesize - size);
269    addToFree(unit + size);
270    if (DEBUG) dbgPrintFree();
271  }
273  /**
274   * Coalesce two or three contiguous lumps of units, removing start
275   * and end lumps from the free list as necessary.
276   * @param start The index of the start of the first lump
277   * @param end The index of the start of the last lump
278   */
279  private void coalesce(int start, int end) {
280    if (getFree(end))
281      removeFromFree(end);
282    if (getFree(start))
283      removeFromFree(start);
285    setSize(start, end - start + getSize(end));
286  }
288  /**
289   * Add a lump of units to the free list
290   *
291   * @param unit The first unit in the lump of units to be added
292   */
293  private void addToFree(int unit) {
294    setFree(unit, true);
295    int next = getNext(head);
296    setNext(unit, next);
297    setNext(head, unit);
298    setPrev(unit, head);
299    setPrev(next, unit);
300  }
302  /**
303   * Remove a lump of units from the free list
304   *
305   * @param unit The first unit in the lump of units to be removed
306   */
307  private void removeFromFree(int unit) {
308    int next = getNext(unit);
309    int prev = getPrev(unit);
310    setNext(prev, next);
311    setPrev(next, prev);
312    if (DEBUG) dbgPrintFree();
313  }
315  /**
316   * Get the lump to the "right" of the current lump (i.e. "below" it)
317   *
318   * @param unit The index of the first unit in the lump in question
319   * @return The index of the first unit in the lump to the
320   * "right"/"below" the lump in question.
321   */
322  private int getRight(int unit) {
323    return unit + getSize(unit);
324  }
327  /**
328   * Print the free list (for debugging purposes)
329   */
330  void dbgPrintFree() {
331    if (DEBUG) {
332      Log.write("FL[");
333      int i = head;
334      while ((i = getNext(i)) != head) {
335        boolean f = getFree(i);
336        int s = getSize(i);
337        if (!f)
338          Log.write("->");
339        Log.write(i);
340        if (!f)
341          Log.write("<-");
342        Log.write("(");
343        Log.write(s);
344        Log.write(")");
345        Log.write(" ");
346        Log.flush();
347      }
348      Log.writeln("]FL");
349    }
350  }
352  abstract void setSentinel(int unit);
353  abstract int getSize(int unit);
354  abstract void setSize(int unit, int size);
355  abstract boolean getFree(int unit);
356  abstract void setFree(int unit, boolean isFree);
357  abstract int getNext(int unit);
358  abstract void setNext(int unit, int next);
359  abstract int getPrev(int unit);
360  abstract void setPrev(int unit, int prev);
361  abstract int getLeft(int unit);
362  abstract boolean isCoalescable(int unit);
364  protected static final boolean DEBUG = false;
365  public static final int FAILURE = -1;
366  protected static final int MAX_HEADS = 128; // somewhat arbitrary
368  protected int heads = 1;
369  protected int head = -heads;